Sabies que les teves compres de Nadal poden contribuir a la recerca científica per la cura i la millora de qualitat de vida de les persones amb distròfia muscular congènita per dèficit de merosina? Sona enrevessat, però és facilíssim:
Aquests són els comerços que estan colaborant amb ImpulsaT i que donaran part dels seus beneficis als nostres projectes:
Si tens Instagram, t’encantarà la @CuquiArolas: estoigs, mascaretes i moltes coses més cosides a mà amb teles ben boniques. Destinarà el 5% de cada venta a ImpulsaT durant un any.
A la botiga online hi pots trobar des d’un paraigües a un bolígraf passant per arracades, làmpades, corbatins… Destinarà el 10% de les seves ventes a la recerca fins avui! Afanya’t!
Did you know that your Christmas shopping can contribute to scientific research for the care and life quality improvement of people with merosin deficiency congenital muscular dystrophy? It sounds complicated, but it is very easy:
These are the businesses that are collaborating with ImpulsaT and that will give part of their benefits to our projects:
If you have Instagram, you will love @CuquiArolas: cases, masks, pants and many more things handmade sewn with very beautiful fabrics. It will donate 5% of each sale to ImpulsaT for a year.
In the online store you can find things like an umbrella, a pen, earrings, lamps, bow ties… 10% of its sales will be donated to research until today! Hurry up!
The online store has been collaborating with us until yesterday. You can find there cosmetics, clothes, accessories… They have given €0.50 for each sale this past weekend.
Do you want to know more? Follow us on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. You can also collaborate with us in other ways.
Are you a business and you want your sales to help scientific research? Contact us:
Thank you very much for your research!